5 Reasons We Stopped Making Protein Coffee at Home and Created brüst

5 Reasons We Stopped Making Protein coffee at home and Created brüst Protein Coffee

We started brüst protein coffee because we couldn’t find a better solution for our morning energy boost. We just wanted a delicious beverage we could quickly grab in the morning that gave us the sustained energy to tackle our day.

Before creating brüst we tried to make protein coffee at home and it was always a headache:

  1. It was time-consuming: we had to brew coffee (or make cold brew at home the night before), wait for it to cool or chill it over ice, mix in protein powder, and clean up after. This never worked for our busy morning schedules.
  2. It was messy: mixing coffee with protein powders they rarely dissolve completely, leading to clumps in our coffee and a mess.
  3. Every cup had an inconsistent taste: If we wanted it to taste good, we had to make sure we measured the exact amount of coffee and protein. We saw how the quality of coffee, choice of protein powder, and the exact right measurements were always tough to get right in the morning rush. Some protein powders made our coffee lumpy, gritty or extremely foamy. It took us years to find the right protein to use for a smooth texture. 
  4. We also needed lots of equipment to make a quality protein coffee at home: We tried blenders, automatic whisks, and putting ice cubes in our shakers. For the perfect mixture we used a blender, but not for too long as the protein would then get foamy!  
  5. We couldn’t get a great protein coffee out of our homes: when we were home we had the option to make protein coffee, but when we were out of our homes and on the go we were always looking for a better solution.

Since creating brüst we haven’t looked back and are proud to have created a protein coffee that tastes delicious, is convenient, and gives consumers the sustained energy they crave.